I stepped away from my computer to build something special for my wife's birthday. Inspiration struck during a recent shopping trip, and it's clear to me (in hindsight) that I do think in pixels!
For this project, I started with 23x18 canvas, and my materials called for 0.85 dpi. It's not very good resolution up close, but when you step back, it works quite well! It's not responsive to width or height changes, or orientation change for that matter, but is probably the first responsively-designed Z axis. As you eat, it responds by decreasing the pixel depth.
I think in a few weeks time, it'll become the flat design that is all the rage in some circles now.
For those inclined to try this out on their own, I used six bags of kisses, a flat board, some of the kids' school glue, and a level to keep the bottom edge straight. And there were no (ahem) leftovers.
UPDATE: Four Weeks Later, to the Day ...
Well, our family of four made this gift stretch out and last for a full month! Now that's the way to savor a birthday treat. It helped that it was somewhat painstaking to remove the chocolate while leaving the wrapper intact, since we wanted to be able to take these "after" photos. Delicious!

Aw, no chocolate left ...

We have just a bit of confetti left over, too!