Newspaper clipping about swimming at Taughannock
I learned to swim in the Trumansburg Learn-to-Swim program when I was 5 years old. Ironically, I took these very first swim lessons in the stretch of Cayuga Lake where the Cayuga Lake Triathlon swim leg kicks off, at Taughannock Falls State Park. Just to start this section off with a little fun, I uploaded my swim scorecards (my mother kept everything, bless her). A few highlights:
- I'd like to think that I'm the "unidentified submerged classmate" in the newspaper photo.
- At age 5, Tom Major noted a strength, that I would attempt anything he asked me to do in the water. I have a feeling this will come in handy with these lessons, 38 years later!
- At age 6, Tom noted that I needed endurance. Don't we all, still? I also smile that my distance swimming on top of water was 5 feet. Ha!
- At age 7, there's that word again, endurance! I am a proficient backstroker, though. And a good bobber, which would be excellent if I fished.

A Case for Total Immersion
I have been forever frustrated by the amount of energy that swimming takes, especially when swimming laps in the pool and see my efforts eclipsed by those in adjacent lanes, clearly expending less energy than me. So, I am starting over.
My wife Amy took the first three levels of Total Immersion with Shane Eversfield at Island Health & Fitness. I really enjoyed reading about her Total Immersion experience and seeing her progress over the past year, so I've set out on the same journey. I hope you enjoy seeing how my swimming story unfolds!
If you haven't seen what Total Immersion swimming looks like, Shane's video shows it best:
Total Immersion, by the Week(s)
I think I'll try to write every few weeks to summarize how things are going. Amy was a prolific writer about her swimming, and she got a good laugh when I was really light on the details after my first class. I think gender is at play here (guys, do we really like to share that much, that often?) but also, I think I didn't know quite what to make of it until a few classes in. So, here we go!