I auditioned for Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Encore Players’ summer musical. I found out I was cast as Caractacus Potts on May 13. We’d perform the musical on August 1, 2, 3 and 4. We met on June 3 for the initial read-through of the script, and I was called for most rehearsals from that date forward. I had a lot to learn! The part called for memorizing ~205 lines, 11 songs, choreography (yes, dancing!) and blocking to go with all of it. It was an intense experience: incredibly rewarding and moderately stressful at the same time. By the time “tech week” rolled around, I was ready to run the show with a terrific cast, crew, and pit. Elizabeth and Xander both played in the pit band, making it doubly fun for me in the final, frenetic weeks.
These are some photos from the production, courtesy of Renee Wilkinson (see the complete set).