I've enjoyed several roles with Crime Solvers, including
- Jaques St. Germaine in The Revenge of Mustby Shrinkineds on February 17, 2015
- Father Justin Nicholas O’Thyme in The Family That Slays Together on February 21, 2015 and October 8, 2015
- Jack McCoy in the Trail of Tragedy on October 30, 2015
- Billy Updike & Patrick Dupree at the Cornell University Cloud Forum Murder Mystery on November 6, 2019

Guest Commentary
I was totally sucked in … at first I thought it was for real. Then, I truly sat back and enjoyed the performance and the talent of each individual player. You totally provided us with an evening where I was able to forget about any troubles in the world and reach an imaginary state I have not been to in years. This evening was a really cool and fun experience for me, one that I will never forget.
I just want to take a minute to tell you how much we enjoyed the Trail of Tragedy. Every detail of the evening was top notch and enjoyable. Thank you so much for the entertainment!