This was my first week of 50K training, and I think the next 15 weeks are going to challenge me more than any other fitness regimen I’ve done! This week pales in comparison to what I’ll see at the end of the program, but overall I feel positive going into this.
5.78 mi easy pace: The sun was out today, shining brightly! I was supposed to go out for 45-60 minutes, so I made up my route as I went along, heading back home when I was getting close to finish time.
4.73 mi hills: Started out on the Taughannock Rim but quickly realized that would be catastrophic. Lousy with ice and packed snow, so I did a bit of cross country through the woods to make it out to Gorge Road. Continued to the base, up the park road (non-stop, attaboy), and did a few smaller loops in the hills at the top to wrap up 45 minutes. Also added core work with BodyPump. I convinced my Dad to join me at BP Community Corners tonight, and he did a great job! He kept up really well with all of the moves. I was spent, as usual, by the end. We enjoyed some relaxing minutes in the sauna when all was said and done.
9.16 mi easy pace: Supposed to be out today for 1:15-1:30, so this was perfect. Stashed water and gel in the mailbox for midpoint, and was delighted when it started lightly snowing and I caught some on my wagging tongue.
10 mi long run: Got it in before nastiness comes in the form of rain tomorrow. Early in the run, I was startled by what turned out to be a sheep. Also added core work with Friday night BodyPump.
Saturday / Sunday
Skiing: A weekend of skiing stood in for a post-long run recovery of a medium effort. After next weekend, I’ll get into a routine of long Saturday run, recovery run Sunday. Looking forward to that, actually, as it’ll also be WARMER.