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  • August 4, 2019

    Cayuga Lake Triathlon 2019

    As usual for my races, I love to write a recap of how they went. It’s mostly for me to look back and remember the particulars of each race: this is my 4th intermediate race at the Cayuga Lake Triathlon, and I’d raced 5 sprint races prior to that.
  • August 5, 2018

    Cayuga Lake Triathlon 2018

    This was the third year that I’d signed up for Cayuga Lake Triathlon’s intermediate distance. As in prior years, the race would be a gateway between our summer at home and several weeks of summer vacation.
  • August 6, 2017

    Cayuga Lake Triathlon 2017

    I raced my second Intermediate (Olympic) triathlon on August 6. I’m lucky that it’s very close to my house, but I’m afraid the proximity also made it easier to be more blasé and less prepared than I was last year.

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