Me, in introductory bullet form:

The Art of Working Remotely
- I've been working remotely since 1998 as a web designer and front-end developer. I wrote a book about remote work, created, and moderate the weekly #RemoteChat on Twitter. I've had the good fortune of having two awesome office pets: First Snowball, and now Phoebe.
- I write a weekly newsletter at It’s all about remote work, drawing daily, and other observations about living in this modern world. Do yourself a favor and subscribe!
- How many workplaces have cookie dough as a perk? I work ten paces away from my wife Amy's commercial bakery. The Emoticakes kitchen is always cranking out something delicious.
- I act, play guitar, sing, write, and write random stuff on this web site. I dabble in illustration and post some things on dribbble. I drew daily in 2016, too.
- I write most often about fitness. If you've raced with me, either running or triathlon, you know that I enjoy writing the post-race report just as much as racing! See my race schedule for details, and enjoy my running, swimming and hiking posts. I track my workouts on Strava. Amy writes about her fitness exploits at She's a middle school teacher and built a pretty comprehensive site for her middle school math classes.
- If you're familiar with upstate New York, you may have heard about Taughannock Falls State Park. Taughannock is the tallest single-drop waterfall east of the Rocky Mountains. I love the park so much, I built a web site about it at
Most Recent Posts
July 1, 2024
How to Inspect Hovered Elements (Menus, Tooltips, and Dialogs, Oh My)
I found this technique useful for debugging CSS inside ephemeral DOM elements.June 23, 2024
Gorges Ithaca Half Marathon 2024
his was probably my most favorite course of all of the Gorges Half Marathon courses since inception. It started on Main Street in Trumansburg and wound its way through village streets before hitting the Black Diamond trail for the last 8 miles.April 28, 2024
Seneca 7 2024
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If were were stuck in an elevator for more than a few minutes, I'd also share these featured posts with you to pass the time.
- How To Create Interactive Maps with React and Leaflet 2020
- Dawson Family Marathon: Pandemic Edition 2020
- Building a Custom Cake Order Form with React 2019
- Skunk Cabbage Half Marathon 2018 2018
- Backyard Barrel Sauna Project: A Suburban Oasis 2017
- Cayuga Trails 50: A Second Helping 2017
- #365DayDraw: Challenge Completed 2016
- Chris Bond 5K 2016: On Life, Love, and Winning 2016
- Improve Your Backyard: Install a Shade Sail 2015
- Finger Lakes 50K 2014 2014
Want to know more? How about a coffee, virtual or IRL? Contact me.